Reverend Clarence Li is presiding and preaching.
Meeting ID: 849 3747 0476
The service will begin in the Gathering Space. We shall begin the Lenten journey as pilgrims processing around the rearranged sanctuary while praying the Great Litany, a long series of prayers and petitions with sung responses. People who have mobility issues or do not wish to participate in the procession may be seated in one of the four sections before the service.
The chairs in the sanctuary have been re-arranged in the shape of a Celtic Cross with the altar at the centre of the circle. Congregants are encouraged to sit in one of the four sections of the Celtic cross.
DID YOU KNOW: the Great Litany was among the very first services used in English, rather than in Latin, during the earliest days of the reformation of the Church of England (first published in 1544, it predates even the first Book of Common Prayer!), and it became a cornerstone of Anglican liturgy. While it was originally intended for use every Sunday morning (and on Wednesdays and Fridays!) in more recent times, it’s mostly been used as a Lenten tradition, either on the Sundays in Lent, or on the first Sunday in Lent. While the tone of the litany may better reflect the piety of the 16th century, we may engage these words from a different time afresh by using them as a thorough examination of ourselves and a reminder to lean on the loving mercy of God.