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Here are the latest formation opportunities offered by Christ Church Cathedral as well as the Diocesan Learning Centre for Mission and Formation (click links for more information and to register):

January 12 - February 25 - Anglican 101.  Learn about the Anglican Church, our history, our worship, and our community, join us for this 9 session series. This series will feature a variety of voices from our wider church community.  In-person session on January 12 followed by 8 online sessions on Tuesday. 

January 16 - Bowen Family Systems in Ministry. A Six-week course aimed at clergy and faith leaders. Online on Zoom with the Rev. Sharon Salomons.

February 8 - Moulded by Prayer: Experiencing and Teaching the Formative Power of Prayer and Worship. A day for clergy and lay people to focus on our lives of worship and prayer. 9 am to 5:30 pm at VST (Epiphany Chapel).

Breakout sessions include: The Via Contemplativa, Psalms for Praying, Centering Prayer, Praying With Collaged Images, Praying for Healing, Lectio Terra: The Practice of Placefulness, Listening prayer, and Praying with Youth