2024 Palm Crosses: A reminder to return last year's palm crosses to St. Dunstan's THIS SUNDAY. Please leave them in the basket in the Gathering Space. There will be a short liturgy to turn last year's palm crosses to ashes at the FEASTING TO FASTING Shrove Tuesday event on March 4.
Feasting to Fasting: It is not too late to sign up on Sunday or REGISTER ONLINE for this year's Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. Experience a pancake feast like you have never before. Bring your family and friends to our one-of-a-kind Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper and prepare yourself to enter the Season of Lent with fresh senses. Hosted by the Centre for Spiritual Renewal @ St. Dunstan's. Admission by donation for the Centre.
World Day of Prayer @ St. Dunstan's: Mark your calendar for the 2025 World Day of Prayer on March 15! It's St. Dunstan's turn to host this annual ecumenical service. To learn more about World Day of Prayer, check out https://wdpcanada.ca/world-day-of-prayer/what-is-wdp/
THANK YOU from Katherine Murray and Peace Train Canada: More than $3000 has been raised to support Katherine to join Peace Train Canada to participate in the Third Meeting of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) to be held at the United Nations in New York City from March 3 to 7, 2025.
Parish Council 2025: Here are the members of the new Parish Council, confirmed at the Annual Vestry Meeting on February 23. Congratulations to the newly appointed/elected and thank you to all who attended the Vestry Meeting.
Rector's Warden: Janette Kovas
People’s Warden: Jacqui Pesek
Treasurer: Peter Wolfe
Delegates to Synod: Bruce Kennedy
Lin Neifert
Alternate Delegates: Janette Kovacs
Kathleen Wiens
Members-at-large: Dave Dedric
Jim Hober