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Lenten Reflection Display - from the Liturgical Arts Team

For the next few weeks, a special reflective display will be set up in the Gathering Space, offering a sacred pause in our Lenten journey. You are invited to take a question from one of the bowls—an opportunity to reflect, respond, and open your heart to God’s presence. May this simple act draw you closer to Him, deepening your faith and preparing you for the joy of Easter. 

Commissioning for Lay Ministries THIS SUNDAY

There will be a special ritual to celebrate the manifold and important ministries of the laity (part of the body of Christ who are not called to be ordained ministers).   The purpose of commissioning is to recognize and affirm the ministries for which these persons have offered themselves for this coming year and invite God's blessing.  If you are involved in one or more of the ministries at St. Dunstan's, you are asked to participate in the commissioning following the Creed.  

Advance Care Planning Workshop, April 10

St. Dunstan's is partnering with Langley Hospice Society to invite adults of all ages to learn about Advance Care Planning this season of Lent.  Creating an Advance Care Plan is a spirit-led and positive way to take stock of our mortality and express our wishes to loved ones.  

CLICK HERE for more information or to register.

The Centre for Spiritual Renewal new offering:

Take This Bread: Communion in Community - An Easter Season Series
Wednesdays, April 23 - May 14 7:00-9:00 pm; Saturday May 17 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
In person at St. Dunstan’s

Facilitators: Paul Guiton & Eileen Nurse 

Sharing Communion is one of the core spiritual practices of the Christian faith. But does it hold a deeper meaning? Does it also shape how we live out our faith in the communities where we live and serve? Come and explore these ideas as we study Sara Miles’s book Take This Bread, an invitation into ways of modelling the gratitude that the Eucharist (Thanksgiving) inspires in us.

CLICK HERE for more information or to register