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This SUnday is the Second of twenty-seven Sundays after Pentecost. We are now in the longest season of the Christian calendar; The green growing time, as it is called in the Godly Play Sunday School curriculum.

Pentecost marks a transition in the church year. From Advent until Easter we have focussed on the stories of the life of Christ from birth until death until resurrection. Now it is time to focus on our stories: The stories of the Followers of Christ who take his teaching, healing and forgiveness to the world. On the second half of the year we focus on our Imitation of Christ.  

The Imitation of Christ is a medieval book written to make the Christian life practical, especially for people who are not monks or nuns or priests. We do not have to live a life cut off from the world to follow Jesus. In fact, the world needs people to live and more in it and not be separate from it.  

This Sunday we reflect on imitating Jesus as the one who shows us that sabbath rest is a gift, not a burden.  

I wonder how you Follow Jesus in your day to day life.

I wonder what it means to be a Christian at work, school or home.

If people look at you, I wonder if they see Jesus.