Welcome to the Season of Lent, a forty-day preparation as the Church invites us as pilgrims to walk with Jesus from the wilderness to the cross to renew our life in the paschal mystery. We shall begin this journey this Sunday with the Great Litany in the Gathering Space and walk as pilgrims around the rearranged sanctuary in the shape of a Celtic cross. CLICK HERE to learn more about the liturgy and the Great Litany.
The SUNDAY BULLETIN is Back: After a brief absence, the bulletin returns this week. Find the order of service, parish notices, weekday devotions and reflection articles in this weekly publication. If you or your ministry has information to be shared in the bulletin or online, don't hesitate to get in touch with Sherry, Administrator, by phone or email.
Weekly electronic newsletter will now be sent out every Friday instead of Wednesday. The Rector's blog will no longer be sent out in a separate mailing.