To embrace the incarnation just might be a core Christian spiritual practice. Our Advent retreat will be a time to explore some of the possibilities that take us deeper into the experience of Christmas. But first, we go to the darkness to find the gifts that are only there. Join us for a morning to move, embody, and voice the journey.
Helen is an Anglican priest who had a chaplain’s ministry in long term care, prison and palliative care. Since retiring from prison work, she has been an interim priest in a variety of churches. She holds a great interest in spiritual growth and discernment. Helen moves in prayer between traditional Anglican liturgy and the immanent work of the Holy Spirit in relationships and social justice.
Lorie is a transitional deacon at St. Andrew's Parish in Langley BC, the Associate Director of the Centre for SPIRITUAL RENEWAL, and a spiritual director. She is passionate about “soul work” where people encounter God in meaningful ways. She leads retreats and workshops and highly values contemplative prayer practices and gathering together in community.
This is an in person & Zoom event for those who live at a distance or can not be meeting in person at this time.
Suggested donation: $15 or $20.